I got a lot of knitting done over the weekend, despite a short bout with food induced illness.

The first thing I finished was Reagan’s mitts. She loves them. She is wihtout doubt the easiest person I have to knit for, as she loves everything on my needles, gushes over it endlessly, and then, if the knit item is for her, doesn’t take it off for days. Santa brought her fake fingernail polish for Christmas, and she insists on painting every finger a different color. I hope she outgrows that. She has also had an allergic reaction to the lip gloss he brought her. She looks awful.

I also got two hats and two pairs of booties finished for the Pregnancy Resource Center. I decided that babies probably did not need socks knit at 9 stitches to the inch, since they weren’t going to be doing a lot of walking. I am knitting the booties toe up, with doubled yarn on size 7 needles. I can do a sock an hour, compared to at least 3 hours per sock before. That’s going to really speed the knitting up.

So this week, I have to finish a baby hat for a friend of Sean’s, start planning a sweater for my Mom,( who deserves a sweater more than anybody) knit a pair of fingerless mittens for Sean and maybe for me. Actually, I have a long list of things I’d like to knit for me, but I’m thinking I’ll wait until summer to start, since I don’t want to knit stuff to fit me now, because I’m pretty sure it won’t fit next winter.

Well, it’s back to school today. I’m so glad. We have been out of our schedule for so long it will be nice to get back into a normal routine.