I had a meeting with some friends of mine from Heaven Sent Food and Fiber the other day. They had asked if I would come up with some swatches and ideas for some patterns using their line of yarn.

I have been praying that I would just be able to know Gods will for me, now that the kids are done homeschooling. I’ve felt a little lost, and I know I have to do something. Opening my etsy shop is part of that, but It’s very slow getting started.

Coleen and Sue answered part of that for me. I am going to be designing for their yarn line, and I am very excited by that. They have developed a wonderful yarn line, and they are focused on quality. They have their own flock of Merino sheep, and the yarn those sheep produce is so soft and so much fun to knit with. I have one pattern ready to go, and three more in the planning/knitting stages.

Talking with them though, brought up another area they needed help with, their social media. They don’t have much of an on line presence. I am working with them to change that. I will be handling their media accounts. I’m really excited about the opportunity! I have been working the last two weeks just beginning to get my feet wet with it, and I think it will be a very interesting challenge! They are a great company, they just need more exposure. So I have been busy the last two weeks knitting samples and swatches, writing patterns, and reading reading reading. It’s been busy. Then I got my Christmas present early because Reagan will be having surgery after Christmas. Sean bought me a Kromski Harp loom. I love it so much. It is just beautiful and so much fun. I have warped a practice piece that was so ugly I cut it off, and a scarf that turned into a much shorter than expected table runner.

So, things are exciting here. I like being productive and having things that I need to do. I’m excited about the possibilities that I’ve been given.

Now I need to get to work!